Friday, April 10, 2015

The Cape Canaveral Monsters (1960)

How bad is it? It's better than other Phil Tucker films, i.e. bad.
Should you see it? Sure.

Aliens take over the bodies of two people who died in a car crash and then try to shoot down missiles from Cape Canaveral from their cave bunker - the fact that there are no caves in Florida notwithstanding. The special effects involve beams of light (as cheap as imaginable) and a hollowed out television with something floating in it, plus weaponry and devices made from left-over household plumbing and electrical fixtures. One of the aliens keeps losing his arm, which suggests that Tucker meant this to be silly, as opposed to his "serious" Robot Monster and Dance Hall Racket. There's no real plot continuity and it's up to teenagers to foil the alien plot. The film has some exploitation elements, nudity (not explicit) and violence (decapitation, torture), and the female alien seems to be into it. There's a cliffhanger ending, with a car crash and a scream.

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