Thursday, March 29, 2018

Hawkeye (1988)

aka Karate Cops

George Chung made a few martial arts films (have I reviewed any others?) that are largely forgotten for good reason. This is very much a remake of "Rush Hour" and has an actor doing an Eddie Murphy impersonation - how intentional that impersonation is is hard to say. A cop's partner is killed and he's teamed with a new partner who's his opposite and they buddy-film cop-film karate-film away. Troy Donahue has a small role and Ronnie Lott a cameo. There's less fighting and fewer chases than you'd expect and they aren't done especially well. This has a few people who love it for its terrible dialogue, at least some of which must be bad translation of idioms, and awkward stereotyping. There's a scene in a gay bar that's cringeworthy. If you're into chop-socky entertainment, this is middling fare.

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