Saturday, May 24, 2014

King Kong Lives (1986)

How bad is it? It's as bad as a King Kong movie possibly could be.
Should you see it? Yeah.

The 1976 King Kong was not great and certainly didn't require a sequel ten years later, but it does get one wondering how they'd make it, given that Kong died in the original. It turns out that Kong survived the fall and was in a coma, awaiting a heart transplant. Linda Hamilton plays the doctor who puts a ridiculously large artificial heart into the beast, using transfusions from a lady Kong, recently discovered. Then - get this - it becomes a love story, as Kong and bride break free and head to Honeymoon Ridge, where they encounter scale problems and Hamilton has her own romance. The bride of Kong lays down on a barn and gives birth to a son, just as Kong's new heart gives out. Trying to turn a monster movie into a romance is a silly idea and this film does not make it work.

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