Monday, March 2, 2015

Ninja Terminator (1988)

How bad is it? There's no terminator and darn little ninja. Substandard chop-socky action.
Should you see it? The small group who like bad martial arts films may enjoy this.

Godfrey Ho directed 100 ninja films, most of which had no ninjas or, like this one, had a few minutes of ninja action spliced in, ruining the continuity and ruining what plot was there. The golden ninja warrior statue has magical powers and is being sought by Sho Kosugi and two other martial arts students; it comes in three parts and has to be assembled. This film has no connection to "The Terminator" except the title. It is actually better than the other, unrelated, "Ninja Terminator" film directed by Lo Mar, which came out about the same time.

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