Saturday, June 7, 2014

Microwave Massacre (1983)

How bad is it? It's a sex-obsessed comedy horror film that's not funny, scary or sexy.
Should you see it? Depends on how desperate you are.

Last shot of the film.
The one thing I liked about this film was the drum-heavy music of the opening, which shows a girl (Marla Simon, in what must be her only film) bouncing down the street - it's just campy enough - but it gets used more than once. She flashes her breasts through a knothole in a fence at a construction site and then gets leered at throughout the film (except by one guy who's afraid of women). Comedian Jackie Vernon, in his only film, plays deadpan throughout, in a story about how bad his wife's cooking is (live crab sandwiches?) and how he ends up bludgeoning her with a peppermill, then storing her in a freezer and then, absentmindedly (!) eating part of her... and liking it. And sharing it with his co-workers, who also enjoy it. Then he needs more meat. The movie ends with repairmen saying the microwave wouldn't be good for a guy with a pacemaker. Finally, the wife's head is seen in the fridge and her eyes glow evilly - for no real reason. The movie's awful in many ways, but it's not unwatchable.

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